Check the Psi Chi Web site for an extensive list of undergraduate conferences.
Eastern Psychological Association (EPA)
- STP Coordinator: Bonnie Green: [email protected]
- Next Meeting: March 16-19, 2017, Boston, MA, Boston Park Plaza and Towers
- Email: Eastern Psychological Association
- Website: Eastern Psychological Association
Midwestern Psychological Association (MPA)
- STP Coordinator: Meera Komarraju, Southern Illinois University, [email protected]
- Next Meeting: April 20 – 22 2017 Chicago, IL
- Email: Midwestern Psychological Association
- Website: Midwestern Psychological Association
New England Psychological Association (NEPA) & Northeast Conference for Teachers of Psychology (NECTOP)
- STP Coordinator: Lizzie Harwood, [email protected]
- Next Meeting: October, 2017, Worcester, MA.
- Email: New England Psychological Association
- Website: New England Psychological Association
Rocky Mountain Psychological Association (RMPA)
- STP Coordinator: Richard Miller, Texas A & M Kingsville, [email protected]
- Next Meeting: April 6th-8th, 2017, Salt Lake City Utah
- Email: Rocky Mountain Psychological Association
- Website: Rocky Mountain Psychological Association
Southeastern Psychological Association (SEPA)
- STP Coordinator: Amy Hackney, Georgia Southern University, [email protected]
- Future Meeting: March 6-9th, 2017, Atlanta, GO
- Email: Southeastern Psychological Association
- Website: Southeastern Psychological Association
Southwestern Psychological Association (SWPA)
- STP Coordinator: Angela Sikorski, Texas A&M University-San Antonio,[email protected]
- Next Meeting: San Antonio TX, Date TBD (usually April)
- Email: Southwestern Psychological Association
- Website: Southwestern Psychological Association
Western Psychological Association (WPA)
- STP Coordinator: Anne Duran, California State University Bakersfield, [email protected]
- Next Meeting: April 27th- April 30th 2017, Sacramento, CA
- Email: Western Psychological Association
- Website: Western Psychological Association
Other Regional Conferences
Conferences are usually held annually. Check the conference Web site (linked) for the most updated information.