Name: Jacob Mack
Place of birth: Fallbrook, California
Current residence: Stillwater, Oklahoma
Current Status: I graduated from the Keiser University MBA/International Business program. I am currently a student in Walden University’s PhD in Management Information Systems Management program. I am also attending a PhD seminar at Oklahoma State University in MSIS within the Spears Business School. The specialty is Information Systems/Information Assurance. I am also working on research with two professors in the Psychology department at Oklahoma State University, and there are plans for me to potentially work in a lab as a visiting doctoral student.
Goals post graduate school: I plan on being a research professor, tenure track, and teaching/mentoring other students who want to conduct research and/or teach but have fewer opportunities. However, there are many wonderful opportunities within higher education I will be exploring.
Favorite classes at Walden and why: Psyc 4002, Brain and Behavior, because the subject matter was excellent, and Dr. Costello made the material relevant and alive.
How was your psychology degree useful? I was able to design, analyze and interpret studies, statistical analysis and research methods in general due to my Psychology background.
Biggest hobbies / passions: I love reading, playing basketball and research.
What advice would you give to another student currently in the Walden BS Psych program? Do your absolute best to not only receive great grades, but to internalize/apply the material long term. I would also say it is imperative you get to know your professors, academic adviser and look for opportunities via Walden/outside organizations that adds to your area of study.
What advice would you give another student about getting into graduate school? There are many decisions to make, and opportunity costs with every choice. However one must endeavor to put in the time to be accepted and to be successful in a graduate school program. Read, learn, listen, and work!