The Big Five Personality Test (free)
This personality test is based on the Five Factor model of the five major dimensions of personality: Openness, Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, Extraversion, and Neuroticism.
Jung Personality Test (free)
The Jung personality test offers insight into how you interact with others and how you can be perceived.
O*Net Interest Profiler (free)
O*Net Interest Profiler is sponsored by the Employment and Training Administration of the U.S. Department of Labor. Use this tool to identify your interests and how they relate to specific occupations.
CareerKey (fee-based)
This test also assesses Holland personality type and identifies careers you might wish to consider.
MySkillsMyFuture (free)
This online tool helps you identify new career options based on previous skills and experiences.
Motivational Assessment of Personal Potential (MAPP) (free)
This motivation-based assessment helps identify preferences and aligns job characteristics with potential occupations.
SkillScan (fee-based)
Use this online tool to determine your strengths, weaknesses, and skills needing development.
StrengthsFinder 2.0 (fee-based)
StrenghtsFinder, developed by the Gallup organization, assesses 34 Strength Themes and how these relate to personal strengths and core values. The assessment provides specific action steps on how to develop strengths in the workplace.
Strengths Assessments 360 Reach (free)
This web-based assessment provides opportunity for feedback from people in your network. They receive an anonymous 10-minute survey where they can share their perceptions about your unique strengths.
WorkUno Strengths Test (free)
This online tool helps you identify your strengths and formulate action steps to develop your talents.